Thursday, September 11, 2008

Infuriating Andrew Sullivan

"we seem to be on the verge of a financial crisis of potentially severe proportions, we have a nuclear-armed rogue state with a leadership in flux in North Korea, we have a direct war between the United States and the Taliban in Pakistani territory - and John McCain wants to talk about "lipstick on a pig" and a woman who didn't know the difference between a Shiite and Sunni two weeks ago. (I'm sure they've programmed her now)"

"This is the most shambolic campaign I have ever witnessed in a general election."

Unfortunately, this isnt a shambolic campaign in the slightest, its actually depressingly brilliant.

Much has been said of the dwindling of the Karl Rove mode of campaigning. How in a change election the Republicans cant rely on the cultural wedge to pry a 51% victory. But you dont need a wedge issue to get that 51% when you can ingeniously fuse a rallying symbol for the Christianist base with the kind of rolled-sleeves, baby-balancing, power-woman that can snatch that vital 1-2% away from Obama.

And all the while she dominates the media, leaving it to Obama to perputuate some ridiculous story about Lipstick while her myriad scandals slide into shrugging obscurity.

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