Friday, September 19, 2008

People who arent Christians in irrationality shocker!

Anyone who has spent more than a few days perusing the internet or run across one of those airy, earnest, tattooed/pierced young women in highly perfumed gift shops cant be hugely surprised at the smirking 'revelation' of Mollie Ziegler Hemingway, that so-called Atheists are more prone to the temptations of quackery and pseudo-science.

Unfortunately for Hemingway, the statistics dont really bear out her argument that Christians are more skeptical toward superstition, primarily because to be Christian in the first place requires a belief and devotion to a superstition, and that their particular belief, say in consuming the blood of a two thousand year old messiah or in excising the foreskin of a baby lest it be condemned to an eternal Hell, tends to preclude belief in other, 'crazier' superstitions.

Whatever the statistics say about Christianity, its what they say about atheists that is most troubling and I think is the natural response to a critical flaw in the current obsession among rationalist crusaders to focus their attention on the quiet mass of Americans who go to Church every week.

Its not so much the besuited Christian we need worry about, but the 'I'm not religious but I am spiritual' crowd, who are ready to rush into Dawkin's and Hitchen's post-Christian vacuum and refuse their kids crucial vaccines and doom us all to vaguely condescending lectures about the healing qualities of a huge chunk of carbon.

Oh, and the Muslims.

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